venerdì 28 maggio 2010

Sex & the City coktails by Moet-Chandon

To celebrate the return of the so awaited Sex and the City’s sequel on the big screen, the brand of Champagne Moet chandon have decided to create four exceptional champagne cocktails, inspired by the glamorous star of the big and the little screen.
So, to kill time, fans will enjoy, in the coolest bar, these drinks, surely destined to become the summer must-have!
In Italy the newest cocktail will be presented at the Prince Hotel Bar, in the Prince Hotel Savoia in Milan starting from the 10th of June.

giovedì 27 maggio 2010

Extravirgin olive oil ice cream

Florence will be the capital of Italian ice cream. In late May, in fact, in the city which may be called the Italian cultural capital, the Chamber of Commerce has organized this event to promote and raise public awareness about this typical Italian pastry excellence.
In the Piazza of the Santissima Annunziata, which will become “the Village of homemade ice cream”, will be also host a stand for the " 2010 provincial Italian extravirgin olive" and in this circumstance will be also presented a very particular ice cream flavor: the extravirgin olive oil ice cream, prepared with olive oil, yogurt, milk, eggs, spices and sugar.
Once again, Italian extravirgin olive oil has been confirmed as one of the mainstays of the Mediterranean diet for his versatility and his goodness.

giovedì 20 maggio 2010

Fennel and oranges salad

Today I propose you a quick and easy summer recipe, perfect for hot weather, with few calories

Fennel and oranges salad

900 g fennel
3 blood oranges
Orange olive oil Gargiulo

The Franciacorta sparkling wine

Today we focus our attention on a very popular Italian wine: the sparkling Franciacorta.
The sparkling Franciacorta was founded in 1961 when the first 3000 bottles were produced, based on indications Winemakers Ziliani.
The Berlucchi’s Winemaker referred to him as the "Pinot from Italy," and this is this is a new: it is the first time that the indication of a geographic area was included on a label.
Franciacorta sparkling wine is produced exclusively in the area of the province of Brescia. The color is yellow, the bouquet is composite.

venerdì 14 maggio 2010

Taste the eccellence of the Italian wine

The sweet Bacchus nectar will be the star for a month: May 2010 is devoted entirely to the wine! A whole month devoted to promotion, tasting and initiatives that have as absolute protagonist the wine and the wine tasting.
From the 6th of May to 8th of June there are a lot of events that leave from Naples, and then moved to Ischia, Caserta, Salerno and Pompeii.
Very original initiative is the Wine bus. I'm not joking! From the 14th of May until Sunday, a typical Red bus, of those usually seen in London, will circulate through the streets of Naples. On board there are two sommelier of AIS (Italian Sommelier Association), to discover and rediscover the good Italian wine tasting.

giovedì 13 maggio 2010

Wine Oscar: International Wine Award 2010

Saturday, June 5 at Hotel Rome Cavalieri will host the Wine Oscar awards ceremony. Wine Oscar was founded in 1999 with the intention of a show the art of drinking, "the Italian wine culture that could and should be important, in a way serious and practical, for everyone”. This year will be decreed, according to the preferences expressed by Sommellerie Italian, wine lovers and industry experts, three nominations for each of the nine categories in the competition, 5 for the best wines and 4 for companies, sommeliers and journalists. The competition categories are:

  1. best sparkling wine
  2. best white wine
  3. best red wine
  4. emerging best wine
  5. best value for money
  6. best producer /company
  7. Best journalist /writer
  8. Best restaurant
  9. Best Sommelier

The wine culture has become increasingly popular, and grows the number of Italian wine shop online. If you are looking for rare and precious wines Italian Wine Selection is the wine shop with the widest selection of Italian wines.

lunedì 10 maggio 2010

Spaghetti with lemon olive oil Gargiulo

Here's a simple, easy and delicious recipe made with the lemon olive oil Gargiulo. Delicate and ready in few minutes this dish will conquer all your guests!

Ingredients for 4 people:
1 organic untreated lemon
1 package of cream
4 tablespoons of lemon olive oil Gargiulo
400 g spaghetti
1 cloves of garlic

Italian Olive Oil: choose quality

Italy Oil, is the food which is daily Italian cuisine. The extra virgin olive oil in Mediterranean diet is indicated for the rich substances that help to keep fit and healthy.
Italy is the second largest producer of olive oil, with two thirds of the virgin and with 38 names (DOP / IGP) recognized by the European Union, developing a value of agricultural production of about 2 billion euros.
Olive oil from Italy is one of the best in the world. The cultivation of olive oil is especially widespread in the south. Companies that cultivate olive trees are over 1 million, over an area of 1.067 million hectares. The average area per farm is just over 1 hectare. The "oil mill" is a fairly spacious room, where there are essentially four areas of machining, mill can be a continuous cycle or traditional mill.
Many Italian companies offer you the opportunity to buy olive oil directly from their mill, as Sorrentolio, owner of the brand Gargiulo. The mill “Gargiulo” is located in the hills of Sorrento, has wide terraces and olive groves and has recently been dedicated to the sale of extra virgin olive oil online. Among his most significant productions the lemon oil, orange oil aromatics oil, olive oil dop and biological oil. For more informations click on this page Italian oil shop online

venerdì 7 maggio 2010

The Roma Wine festival

Also this year, from the 8th to 9th of May in Rome, holds on, in the Centro del Gusto, the Roma Wine Festival, an event organized by the Gambero Rosso, in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture of Lazio Region, the Department of the Rome City Council Productive Activities, the Chamber of Commerce and Arsial.
The Roma Wine Festival is an experts and wine enthusiasts workshop, to spread more about the culture of the sweet Bacchus nectar, and maybe to buy Italian wine.

Honey, olive oil and eggs mask

Here is another recipe that has as protagonist Italian olive oil.
If you want a better skin for the arrival of summer, take advantage of the natural ingredients that you can find easily in your home. These natural, light ingredients will leave your skin free to breathe.

In case of dry skin, very common in summer, because to continuous sun exposure, a good nourishing mask made by honey, Italian olive oil and eggs is the ideal for your skin.

2 tablespoons of honey
3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 egg yolk

In a bowl stir the honey with the Italian oil, and then add the yolk.
Just apply the mask for 5-10 minutes and then remove with warm water.
Your skin will be soft and nourished!