giovedì 27 maggio 2010

Extravirgin olive oil ice cream

Florence will be the capital of Italian ice cream. In late May, in fact, in the city which may be called the Italian cultural capital, the Chamber of Commerce has organized this event to promote and raise public awareness about this typical Italian pastry excellence.
In the Piazza of the Santissima Annunziata, which will become “the Village of homemade ice cream”, will be also host a stand for the " 2010 provincial Italian extravirgin olive" and in this circumstance will be also presented a very particular ice cream flavor: the extravirgin olive oil ice cream, prepared with olive oil, yogurt, milk, eggs, spices and sugar.
Once again, Italian extravirgin olive oil has been confirmed as one of the mainstays of the Mediterranean diet for his versatility and his goodness.
During the exhibition in the stands will try to bring children to the world of olive oil, which will be also the extravirgin olive oil ice cream impartial judges.
So why not take a short visit in Florence to know better its art treasures and why not, to taste this undoubtedly particular ice cream?

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