giovedì 22 marzo 2012

Vinitaly 2012

To all wine lovers: do not take commitments from the 25th to the 28th of  March 2012. Return in  Verona Vinitaly, the international exhibition of wines and spirits.
The seat is Verona, and specifically, the exhibition space of VeronaFiere. If the edition plated 2011 has recorded 156000 visitors, the 2012 edition comes loaded with expectations for Italian wines, Italian sparkling wines and spirits.

The four day event is organized in a complex calendar of events, tastings and workshops, designed to facilitate the matching of supply and buyers. The daily ticket costs € 50, while the online one costs € 45. Given the professionalism of the event, Vinitaly is open only to professionals, and so to:
  • Large-Scale Distribution
  • wholesalers
  • import-export
  • food retailers
  • bars
  • restaurants
  • hotels
  • catering
  • wine stores
  • wine bars
  • sommeliers
  • wine technicians
  • wine technology producers
  • producers of olive oil and wine
  • the trade press
  • authorities
  • institutions
To have more information visit the page Vinitaly

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