mercoledì 26 ottobre 2011

Sorrentine Gastronomic Days

During pre-Christmas period between  decorations, music and folklore Sorrento will host the eighth edition of Sorrentine Gastronomic Days , a sort of States-General in Sorrento Peninsula that have international relevance.
At the heart of the manifestation  the excellent cuisine of Sorrento, tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, orange olive oil, lemon trees, but also national and international products.
Also this year the food and wine days were desired by  Stefano Massa, owner of Villa Massa that wants to highlight the excellence in catering and has had the ability to approach different cultures through the flavors of good food.
In the field of this event, on 2nd of December at 17:00 there will be presentation of the book "Eat Parade-Discovering the characters, stories, recipes and products out of the ordinary" published by Rai Eri-Bruno Gambacorta, Neapolitan journalist TG2 that has invented address book the Eat Parade dedicated to the world of food.
One of the side events will be the national contest "A signature dish" whose theme is the pizza that is becoming more and more as a meal of the authore. The event was organized by the "Committee for the promotion of tourism, cultural and handicraft village Maiano" of Sorrento,  Communication Dieffe and  the Coris (Sorrento restaurant Consortium) and is designed for students of art schools of all the nation that need to send  works representing or inspired to pizza.
The winner will be awarded during the main event  "A theater with the protagonists. Villa Massa Award " Saturday, on 3rd of December at the Hilton Sorrento Palace

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