According to the latest Coldiretti analysis, on the basis of ISTAT ( Italian Official Statistics Istituts) data relating to foreign trade, has emerged that the numbers of Italian wines bottles have been exported abroad for more than two billion, with a turnover of 3.7 billion euro and a 9% of increase relative to the previous year. A good result for Italian wines!
The best "Made in Italy" wine connoisseur? The U.S. which has been recorded a 9% en plus, surpassing the Germany.
Among the surprises the China, with an increase of 102% in exports and the Russia with a 51% of increase.
Producers may be defined as optimistic and hopeful for the 2011 vintage, regaining confidence after the black years of 2008-2009.
Among the best Italian wines, the Chianti Italy wine and the Nobile di Montepulciano. Also Italian sparkling wines great gins!
No doubt Italians do it better!
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