mercoledì 15 dicembre 2010

Conditioner with olive oil and honey

The hair, all women mixed blessing. Who has curly hair wants straight hair and gave them to them to be curly hair and vice versa. People are never happy!
And what about the muggy and humid summer and the cold winter... Not to mention the evil little drop of water which neutralizes the job done! And the hair products, do we want to talk about? The perfect hair-addict, or hair products collector, if you prefer, can be recognized from the abnormal amounts of bottles stacked up on each shelf of the bathroom.

So you can try a natural hair conditioner recipe, and above all, cheaper then the classic balm?
We need only:
  • 2 tablespoons of dense honey
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • One half of vanilla extract teaspoon
After have washed the air, mix the ingredients and then distribute the conditioner to cover with a headset. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash again with a little bit of shampoo.
Your hair will be incredibly soft and silky.

I recommend you to use only refined olive oil, since with an high olive oil quality can influence the final result.
One last tip: prepare the conditioner prepared only few minutes before the use, in order to prevent the ingredients separation.

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