mercoledì 21 settembre 2011

The increase of organic products

Economic crisis, but not at the table, fortunately.
The increase in VAT and prices have affected very strongly on the dietary habits of the Italians and on the amount of food consumption, which have marked a fall. Minor amounts do not necessarily imply a lower quality of food, instead of the organic sector recorded positive data.

According to data supplied by the CIA, the Italian Confederation of Farmers, organic products have surged of the 13% in the first six months of 2011, a trend destined to grow and transform itself from a fixed point.

 One reason is the easy availability of organic products, which now can be easily found in hypermarkets and discount stores. Between January and April, in fact, organic purchases have increased of 14.6% in supermarkets, 11, 8% in hypermarkets and 16.1% in discount stores.

Among the most sold organic products pasta and rice, whose consumption has rose of 32.9%, milk and cheese (20.4%) with a boom of mozzarella cheese (+82.7%), closely followed by sweets and biscuits (+15.4%).
It has also increased the number of Protected Designation of Origin products and products of Controlled and Guaranteed Denomination of Origin, with an exponential growth of the organic extra virgin olive oil and organic cheeses.
And in fact it's better than a string of good Italian extra virgin olive oil to dress a salad or a pasta dish, strictly organic?

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