The name fails the origin of this Italian delicious, created in Capri in the early years of last century and valued by the elite of the visionary Futurist artists and of the Egyptian King Farouk, who desired a light meal. His requests were satisfied with a sandwich filled with caprese salad.
3 mozzarella or buffalo mozzarella from about 300 g
4 medium-sized salad tomatoes
3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
Wash the tomatoes and cut the petiole. At this point, cut the tomatoes being careful to do not to cut the entire slice, but only practicing deep cuts, in order the remaining intact bottom of the tomato.
Drain the mozzarella and cut into slices of medium thickness that we are going to put between an incision and another.
Add the basil, salt, oregano and extra virgin olive oil.
Olive oil is the ingredient that adds savor and character to the dish, so pay attention to the oil choice and turn to a good olive oil shop.
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