Today, almost everything can be forged. Although at first sight, the fake product could be mistaken for the original, but at a more deep and accurate exam differences are noticed. Since it is the quality the distinctive character of a good product.
Also the same may be said of the made in Italy food, since many years it has been object of a copying act, accomplished especially by China and America.
It is impossible don’t forget the German Parmesan bad copy of the Parmigiano Reggiano or the Teutonic Amaretto di Venezia, duplicate the famous Amaretto or even the Spanish Romolo olive oil spread as Italian extra virgin olive oil?
But cases are many and that is why from the month of December 40 Italian carabinieri of the Mipaaf’s anti-fraud nucleus will protect all the taste of olive oil, specially trained in Parma, under the supervision of the Colonel Delli Santi. The course is the result of cooperation between the Unaprol (Italian olive consortium) and the association Emilia Romagna Arpo, which supplements the Nas force experts.
The class is articulated with 40 hours of lessons and includes insights on Italian and European olive oil standards, which has as end the protection of consumer interests.
mercoledì 3 novembre 2010
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