And here are unleashed different schools of thought. Who takes the part of seed oil, who have flaunts his deep love for the olive oil.
From a purely scientific point of view, the main quality that must to have a frying oil, is the stability, that is to say that the frying oil should not exceed the "smoke point" or "pyrolysis", in other words the frying oil doesn’t have to reach a temperature that can generate toxic substances for our body.
Some studies have shown that, with the exception of peanut oil and refined palm oil, all other oil commonly used for frying are very unstable. For this reason, in many EU countries, the oils that we use daily are not recommended for frying.
While among the non-refined oils, the highest fixed point is recorded from olive oil, which remains the undisputed king, both in terms of taste and nutrients.
The first secret for a perfect fried is to immerse food in a bath of oil, which once reached around 160 ° the water surface evaporates, forming an exquisite golden brown, cooking evenly inside the food.
If you are interested in buying extra virgin olive oil online, you may visit the site www.oliogargiulo.com, where you can find a wide selection of flavored oils and also the precious olive oil with oranges and olive oil with lemon of Sorrento.
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