venerdì 2 ottobre 2009

Masseto: Italian wine collector

Italian wine has conquered foreign markets: I'Italian Wine Food Institute has revealed that for every bottle of French wine sold in the U.S. American consumers have purchased nearly three Italian wine. One of the most valuable Italian wines and researchers is Masseto, a rare example of Cru red wine, a Merlot Vinified that owes its grapes to a small vineyard of 7 hectares of whose name it bears. It was considered a real luxury item and also an economic investment so that fans from all over the world to try to win the auction. But Italian Wine Selection, wine shop online with a catalog of well-better than 1200 labels of Italian wines, it gives you the opportunity to buy it from the comfort of your home. So you can have in your cellar a wine collector and a "little booty." Masseto was born in the mid 80s in "Tenuta Ornellaia" on the Tuscan coast by the inspiration of Lodovico Antinori, now owned by Frescobaldi, and over the years has managed to hold its own against the best Italian wines. It presents the view with an intense ruby color and lively, on the nose with a scent of wild berries and mouth with a taste robust and challenging.

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