venerdì 18 maggio 2012

The anchovy leakage

The anchovy leakage is one of those products inextricably linked to its land of origin. And if the land in question is the Amalfi Coast, goodness is assured.
The anchovy leakage was born in the small seaside village of Cetara. The first mention of this liquid amber sauce, is dated back to Roman times, which produced garum, the ancestor. The recipe was later revised in the Middle Ages by monks and then spread among the locals inhabitants.

The strong link of the recipe with religious groups of the coast is clear in the choice of dates usually dedicated to its production, and namely March the 25th , the feast of the Annunciation, until July the 22nd, the day of Santa Maria Maddalena.

But how is the anchovies leakage produced? The process is rather lengthy, laborious and complex. The fresh anchovies are cleaned and cured. Then they are transferred in barrels, interspersed with layers of salt and covered by a cover of wood, on which are made of the weights. This process squeezes the liquid, the base of the anchovy leakage. This liquid is stored in glass containers exposed to direct sunlight, which increases the concentration of the liquid. After 4-5 months, in the period from the late October to the early December, the liquid is poured into barrels with anchovies and poured into barrels with anchovies, in order to enhance the flavor. Filtered through a linen cloth, the casting is ready to early December, just in time for Christmas Eve.

The anchovy is great for spaghetti and linguine made cook in salted water and served with organic extra virgin olive oil, parsley, garlic and crushed red pepper, of course. To accompany this dish buy italian wine

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