mercoledì 7 dicembre 2011

Lemons of Sorrento

One of the most famous images of Sorrento, is that of the Bay of Naples surrounded by lemon trees. On the other hand, Sorrento lemons are one of the most characteristic typical Sorrento coast products.

 Lemons were imported in Campania in the first century BC by the Jews. Valuable evidences can be found in Pompeii’s mosaics and frescoes. The fact is that lemons have elected the Campania as one of the places of choice, spreading like wildfire in the area, perfuming it with the blossoms smell, with sinuous trees that wind through the landscape, set between land and sea , which has captured the essence, imprisoning in its fleshy pulp and a thick skin.

The first to catch the potential of lemons were the Jesuits who implement the cultivation of lemons in the peninsula, contributing to the selection that has led to the creation of the Oval of Sorrento, a fine and aromatic lemon, lovingly protected from the winter weather by the characteristic "pagliarelle", hand-woven straw mats supported by tall wooden poles, which seem to embrace the lemon
In addition to the preparation of the traditional limoncello, Sorrento lemons are used for the creation of local dishes and products such as lemon olive oil or as a condiment for meat dishes and fish.

The lemon oil, in particular, is characterized by the bold and lively flavor, the result of the whole fruits processing with olive oil, another excellent product of the Peninsula: Sorrento, in fact, is known for the refined olive oil production. The litmus test? Sorrento mozzarella with a drizzle of olive oil and tomato: a delight!

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