lunedì 14 febbraio 2011

The wine of the Unity of Italy

On March 17th we will celebrate the onehundredfifty anniversary of the Unification of Italy. Which is the wine to drink?
Among the wide range of white wines and Italian red wines which is the most suitable to represent the unity of the Bel Paese?

A survey sponsored by the site site, says there is not a coincidence that the men who unified Italy, Cavour and Garibaldi and Ricasoli, were also expert agronomists and wine enthusiasts.
Cavour, has somehow invented the Barolo, and Ricasoli created the Chianti Classico. While the figure of Garibaldi is associated with the Marsala, which was been named in his honor "Garibaldi dolce" in his honor.

The wine that evokes the unity of Italy is the Barolo (55%), followed by Chianti Classico (30%) and Marsala (13%). Barolo was launched as a "wine of the king" Carlo Alberto, with whom the Marchioness Giulia Falletti had delivered more than 300 barrels, a barrel for each day of the year.

Among the wine places stand out Piedmont, Tuscany and Sicily.
Aside from the usual parochialism, Vinitaly has been promoted the commendable initiative of the “Unification of Italy Bottle ", which includes two variants, the" white wine of Italy "and" Red Wine of Italy "made with 40 varieties Italian native, 20 whites and 20 reds, each from one of the 20 Italian regions.

Another good occasion to buy Italian Wine

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