venerdì 24 giugno 2011

How to match food and wine

Matching food and wine is a real art, dedicated to harmonize and bind the flavors r, enhancing both food and drink.
Any taste must not prevail over the other. Instead it must combine the elements: none of the features the acid, bitter, sweet, salty, greasy or spicy must to be overwhelming to the palate.

The combination leading rule is the dish structuring: a rich dish does not match with a light wine, so a light wine would be dominated by an intense and full-bodied wine.
To balance the flavors, the combinations are made by contrast or by similarity:
  • Matching by contrast: the matching by contrast is necessary in case of particularly fatty meals: a soft red wine with an high alcohol content would highlight the richness of the dish. At the contrary, a young red and light wine, slightly sparkling, balance the flavors, leaving the mouth clean.
  • Matching by similarity: it is advisable when the food taste is sweet. A sweet food coupled with a dry wine would break the harmony. Among the combinations by similarity return the color combinations: white wine with white meat and red wine with red meat.
Although the rule itself does not exist, because very often we drink red wine with fish and white wine with meat, remember that dishes red meat based require a structured white wine, possibly aged in barriques, and the white meat dishes must to be served with a light and a little tannic good red Italian wine. The easiest way to avoid mistakes is to combine the traditional regional dishes with a wine produced in the same region.

Among the most difficult combinations include artichokes, pickles, marinades, chocolate, cheese and ice cream. The first three can be combined with a white light, while the chocolate flavor goes well with a Barolo Chinato. The ice cream instead, given its temperature and cold the taste buds, does not accept any kind of pairing.

For cheese, the discourse is different: fresh and sweet cheeses loves white and rosè wines. Mature and savory cheeses accompany with pleasure with important and mature red wines, while the blue-veined cheeses such as Gorgonzola, have their marriage of love with the sweet wines.

If you want to buy a rare wine or a wine to pair with your very high-quality dishes you can also buy in all comfort on an online wine shop.

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