mercoledì 23 marzo 2011

Cookies with white wine

They are the classic Grandma's cookies, those cookies that, like Proust's madeleines, with the flavor bring to mind the scent of childhood and of the simple things.
Simple ingredients, quick and simple the directions.
Excellent for tea or coffee break, or to crunch.


400 g flour
150 ml vegetable oil
150 ml white wine
180 g brown sugar
½ packet of baking powder
1 pinch of salt


One trick: Use only quality white wines; it is better if you buy Italian wine.
On a work surface mix flour, sugar and vegetable oil. Then add a pinch of salt, ½ packet of baking powder and finally the white wine.

Knead until to get an homogeneous and compact mixture. If necessary, add the flour.
For the shape we can indulge, using molds of the classic donut shape. To give that special touch dust the cookies with sugar cane.

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