giovedì 10 giugno 2010

Food and Wine Itinerary in Vico Equense

Saturday, June 12 at the Hotel Aequa in Vico Equense held the table rotanda "Communication and Culture for the revival of tourism" to discuss strategies and media used to disseminate and expand tourism in this area edel equally important role that culture must play in this context. One area that seeks to highlight and which underlines the strong territoriality is that enogastronomic: after the debate there will be a journey of taste to get the audience to discover the typical flavors. From italian olive oil to Provolone del Monaco until to the “delizie al limone” of the famous ice cream shop and confectionery "Gabriel." Olive oil is a product of excellence in culinary tradition of the Sorrento peninsula and its production has ancient origins dating back to the Greeks. The terraces and expanses of olives are a popular tourist attraction and the distinctive landscape of the peninsula. On the hills of Sorrento for over a century there is the farm Gargiulo initially practiced only the activity of the mill, then started to devote to the activity of packaging and marketing of extra virgin olive oil and has recently opened a e-commerce dedicated only to oil>> buy olive oil

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