mercoledì 29 febbraio 2012

Cleansing milk with olive oil and honey

Olive oil, good as food but not only ... In addition to the already known and cited food properties, olive oil is also one of the basic ingredients in the preparation of numerous cosmetic recipes, that if in the past were branded as mere revival, are now gain space in the niche of totally green beauty.
The first to realize the potential of the olive oil in cosmetics were the Egyptians. The Phoenicians and the Greeks used it to create beauty products like perfumes, creams and ointments to the skin, the Romans in the production of hair conditioners. But it was in the field of fragrances that olive oil received a resounding success as a main ingredient, together with flowers and natural flavors.

martedì 28 febbraio 2012

Wines and colors in Sorrento

The icing on the cake to a beautiful landscape: we are talking about Sorrento traditional cuisine, a tasty and balanced mix of land and sea, scents, colors and flavors that come together in harmonious combinations of taste. Simple dishes of country tradition and refined dishes create one of the most imaginative and original Neapolitan cuisine variant.

mercoledì 15 febbraio 2012

Fighting cellulite with chili oil

Cellulite. The nightmare of every woman. The supreme terror of the bathing suit test. That annoying blemish that we would like to disappear instantly.
In a single noun are contained many of the fears of women, fat and thin, young and adult ladies. The nightmare called cellulite begins to be affected with the approach of summer and with the bikini test. But what is cellulite? Cellulite is an alteration of the subcutaneous tissues, or an inflammation of fat cells. First symptom: a slight swelling that becomes the infamous "orange peel "skin.

venerdì 10 febbraio 2012

Aphrodisiac recipes with strawberries

Strawberries: what goodness. It is said that strawberries are born from the tears shed by Venus because of the death of her beloved Adonis. The tears of the goddess, falling from Olympus to earth turned into little red hearts, the strawberries.
Not a random that it is said that strawberries are a powerful aphrodisiac. So why not take advantage of their potential in the cuisine?

martedì 7 febbraio 2012

Red wine: the best female aphrodisiac

It is said that white wines are preferred by women but the red wine makes good blood ...and not just a research of Florentine S. Maria Annunziata  hospital  has demonstrated the positive effects of red wine on the sexual desire of women because it stimulates the blood flow in key areas of the body that coincide with the erogenous zones.

What to eat in winter: soups

Not everyone loves the winter, cold and low temperatures. If during the summer season prepare an healthy, light and balanced lunch or dinner is a very simple thing, accomplices season vegetables that can be easily consumed cold too, in winter it’s another question.