giovedì 18 febbraio 2010

Extra virgin olive oil: guardian health


In 1952, the American physiologist Ancel Keys during a trip to the south of Italy noted that diet in Naples was low in fat and that only rich people suffered heart attacks." He called this regime "Mediterranean diet". In fact, the Mediterranean diet is devoid of animal fats such as butter, lard and animal fats invisible olive oil, representing almost the only seasoning and it is an essential and indispensable ingredient. Since then he began to study the beneficial effects of olive oil.The healthy qualities of the oil were already known in antiquity and Galen prescribed to treat the "evils of stomach," while others indicated as the treatment of stomach ailments, skin diseases and as an ointment. For years now, nutritionists recommend to prefer the extra virgin olive oil to the seed or animal fats. Being rich in unsaturated fatty acids increases the colestorolo good and maintains a low level of bad colestorolo thus exerting a preventive action for cardiovascular disease and alteriosclerosi.The extra virgin olive oil also contains a number of antioxidant and unsaponifiables substances that slow down the aging process, improve the intestinal absorption of calcium and play a protective action on 'digestive system. Finally thanks to the presence of vitamin E treatment inflammatory diseases, particularly rheumatic diseases.In short, the oil is a healthy irreplaceable as a nutrient in our diet and our table as a condiment for its organoleptic characteristics. Preferably be consumed raw to preserve its elements intact, but may be taken with sauces or fried, and how food is always preferable to seed oils or animal fats.

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