Trust is good not to trust is better! In a market as saturated as that of extra virgin olive oil counterfeiting is common. It was discovered that a bottle contains two oil mixed with other oils of low quality.
And then how to distinguish the high quality olive oil?
The three essential characteristics of a good oil should be: genuineness, authenticity, high quality. Quality depends of course on the olives used in turn determined by cultivar and climate in which they are cultivated: the oil produced in the north of Italy is lighter, while the south has a production more pronounced. The 90% italian olive oil national production, in fact, occurs in mills located in the South.
If you want to be sure you buy italian oil that has these characteristics, first of all, choose oil bottled and labeled according to the law that has the brand DOP, Denomination of protected origin, such as extra virgin olive oil from Sorrento. And if you do not trust the label buy it directly from the mill where it is produced in order to be sure to taste the oil from Italian olives. If there is a mill around in your home you can address all mills that also offer the service of selling oil online.
Another recommendation is to beware of low prices: to produce extra virgin olive oil quality was inevitable high costs.
mercoledì 20 gennaio 2010
How to choose the high quality olive oil
venerdì 15 gennaio 2010
Extra Virgin Olive Oil: fat better?
According false rumors Extra Virgin Olive Oil is an enemy of the heavy diet, but relying on the opinion of experts discovers that it is not. In fact, as the prof. Galvano, nutritionist and professor of nutritional science at the University of Catania, "the italian extra virgin olive oil for its nutritional and organoleptic characteristics is probably the best of the fat that nature gives us."
One peculiarity is the presence of polyphenols, compounds that in addition to being powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory have important organoleptic properties and consequently protective properties. The extra virgin olive oil, in fact, has "a preventive effect against many chronic degenerative diseases, including cardiovascular disease and some cancers."
"This oil stings me in the throat". The sensation of hot, not to be confused with the acidity, is a valuable parameter for evaluating the sensory quality of ' olive oil and is given by the polyphenols. Addition, the extra virgin is the presence of monounsaturated fatty acids which reduce the so-called bad cholesterol and increase good one.
So do not delete the extra virgin olive oil from your diet because in the right amounts is a friend and not an enemy.
water, fruit and vegetable and extravirgin oil for your health
Are many that after the Epiphany they are and deal with the scale that protest. But not for all you need to move immediately to begin a real diet, just follow the few scientific tips, those which they never tire of repeating, and we do not listen. Let's look a bit 'together:
1 Drink lots of water. Everyone should drink at least a bottle of water per day. How to do it? We may try to drink juice for breakfast, green tea or white teas during the day and purifying the evening. And keep a bottle of smooth acuqa always on the desk.
2 Move on! Another great classic that nutritionists always say: the gym is important but not mandatory. we can avoid the elevator, go to work on foot, walking in the park, walking up and down the shopping streets, beaten in a period of strong ... but with snakers feet! swimming pool or of those periods, why not make a bet to the skating rink .. gaining in relaxation and healthy
3 At the table, preferring a diet rich in vegetables. Obviously not all have the same metabolism totally wrong and totally deprived of any food because a balanced diet is especially serious. But some tip are valid for all.
4 Avoid appetizers and aperitifs killer as pizzas, sandwiches, various meats, sauces of all kinds are rich in fat and unhealthy. Follow the rule of 5 servings of vegetables, fruits or vegetables a day.
5 Our aim will be to reduce the carbohydrates and eliminate excess fat or fat hereby replaced with better people: how? simple! just replace butter, lard or other fatty sauces with a much more nutritious extra virgin olive oil, and the same goes for salad dressing, which agrees only with salt and olive oil rather than Salsette ircche tasty and fat. The dish is so perfect for a nice salad vegetables and fruit, a nice soup or a soup of vegetables .. seasoned with a little oil.
For a true goumet dish, choose a strictly extra virgin olive oil DOP. And have a good "remise in forme"
lunedì 11 gennaio 2010
The best oil to frying
-Oil of modified seeds
-Lard Oil and oil
- Peanut-oil
Oil-modified seeds
-Seeds oil
The modified seeds oil is therefore a technical point of view the ideal oil for Figge, though, being an oil created in the laboratory, we can not call it a genuine product. Even frying in lard, although it may be natural, we can not say that it is very healthy. Ideally, therefore, Figs in olive oil. Virgin or not virgin? In terms of attitudes to smoking point these two types of oil are practically equivalent. Unlike the discourse about the behavior: the extra virgin olive oil tends to flavor foods much, something that olive oil does not. The choice of whether or not fry in extra-virgin olive oil is therefore more a matter of taste, as well as of course economic. Frying is the use of a large amount of oil to fry the food must be completely immersed in oil. The oil also must never exceed 180 degrees in temperature. Salt, sugar and other spices are then added only at the end of cooking.
giovedì 7 gennaio 2010
Old Oil New Wine
A famous proverb says new oil, old wine: unlike wine aging becomes better, the oil is more flavorful when young. The olive harvest takes place between late October and early November, the olives are then taken to the mill for pressing, and so you get the 'new oil. The freshly-pressed oil has a bitter taste, a slightly spicy flavor, an intense aroma and a yellow / green colour. The best way to taste new oil is on the bread: there is just the rite of bread and new oil, new oil and bread. Over the following months, the flavor begins to be more gentle, their nutritional qualities but still fruity loses its intensity, which means that began the process of oxidation and that within a few months the oil will change the structure . The Act states that ' olive oil should be consumed preferably within 18 months after bottling, but in reality after two years is still edible but loses flavor and color, and after three years is no longer advisable. Sample a bruschetta with ' extra virgin olive oil again and don't forget the unmistakable flavor.