martedì 15 dicembre 2009

The extra virgin olive oil and the real Neapolitan pizza


King of the Mediterranean diet olive oil has an undisputed nutritional value besides being a tasty topping for our dishes and it's one of the essential ingredients if you want to taste the real Neapolitan pizza. The European Committee for geographical indications, protected designations of origin and specialty products, has determined that the real Neapolitan pizza will be protected from the EU against imitations and fakes. In other words, the Neapolitan pizza has obtained European recognition of the traditional specialty guaranteed (TSG) and is important because in the middle of the Italian pizza using ingredients imported from abroad. TSG Neapolitan pizza, as established by the Coldiretti, "will have among its essential ingredients tomato, mozzarella TSG, extra virgin olive oil and oregano and have a diameter not exceeding 35 cm, the cornice of 1 to 2 cm and a consistency with soft, elastic and easily foldable". This will avoid the risk of eating a pizza made with tomato Chinese, Ukrainian or Canadian flour and Tunisian or Spanish olive oil.

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